
After a bad hair day, it's a bad shoe day that affects life the most. Remember the annoyance, pain and irritation you went through when you wore your new pair of shoes to work? However beautiful they looked, the comfort was missing?
Did you know that a human foot contains ? 26 bones, 33 joints, 107 ligaments and 19 muscles which carry your weight when you stand and walk, ?So erratic walking and abnormal pressure on the foot will cause muscle and bone deformities such as developing ugly looking bunions, hammer toes and ingrown toenails,? says Chaitanya Shah, Practising Podiatrist and Mobility Consultant, Founder Orthofit. So it?s very important that you choose the Right Shoe.
Pointers on buying the right footwear depend on:
- Gender
- Age
- Lifestyle
- Functional requirement- casual, sports, formal wear.
The goal of selecting the right footwear is important because the foot should be aligned in the neutral position of three planes in the footwear, in order to have complete body alignment.?The three planes are
- Sideways movement
- Heel-to-toe movement
- Lateral -Medial movement
Here are some tips on how to buy your footwear.
Footwear has to be of the exact size by length and width - the salesman sells you longer shoes to accommodate the width, which results in your foot sliding inside your shoe- that? results in developing calluses, corns, abnormal pressure, aching legs, tired feet.
The rear portion of the shoe must be adequately firm and provide firm rigidness since in a gait cycle, contact phase to the ground begins with heel strike.
When wearing formal footwear, it is highly recommended to wear lace shoes to give firm control to the ankle joint.
Inspect your footwear regularly to observe wear and tear and replace them periodically.
When you traveling on vacation and/or business and intend to walk long distance make sure to wear close shoes with appropriate orthotics.
Parents must examine their children?s feet to make sure that they are not flat and are well aligned. In case of flat or misaligned feet, it is advisable to wear orthotic insoles and ready to wear foot wear and carry out specific exercise for feet, ankle and lower limbs to realign them in neutral position while growing and/or fully grown.
There is no problem in wearing high heel footwear as long as you are sitting around and mobility is restricted.
The problem arises only when you stand and walk on hard and uneven surfaces for extensive duration of time and get hooked on to wearing high heels over a period of years, in other words abusing your lower limbs.
If you wear aligned footwear,? 80% of the time, it will give you the freedom to wear other stuff the rest of the time.
Genuine leather is the most breathable material, Synthetic material is a strict no no to diabetic foot and we should ensure that the right breathable environment is provided to your feet. A combination of various materials is now available for shoes, and we should ensure that we wear only freely breathable material.
*Inputs: Chaitanya Shah, Practising Podiatrist and Mobility Consultant, Founder Orthofit

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Source: http://healthmeup.com/news-healthy-living/how-to-buy-the-right-shoe/17055
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