Tuesday 14 May 2013

Muscle Workouts vs Fitness Workouts | Body Health ? Bodybuilding ...

Muscle Fitness Workouts

Muscle Workouts vs Fitness Workouts
Wh??? th? terms ?muscle building? ?n? ?physical fitness? ?r? ?ft?n used interchangeably, th?? ?r? very different concepts th?t yield different results. If ????re n?t sure wh??h ?? best f?r ???, th? ???????n really lies ?n ???r goals. Ar? ??? interested ?n more ?f a functional ???r???h t? ?????t w?th everyday activities, ?r ?? ??? want t? increase body mass ?n? build strength?

D? ??? h??? access t? weights ?n? machines, ?r w??? ???r routine consist mostly ?f anytime/anywhere movements th?t utilize body weight resistance? Wh??? th? m??t effective programs combine ??m? form ?f cardio ?n? a resistance training components, ??? ?h???? know th? ??ff?r?n?? between th? two ?? ??? know whether ???r efforts match ???r goals.

Wh?n ?t comes t? calories, wh??h ?r? units ?f energy contained ?n food ?n? released upon oxidation b? th? body (?n? expended during a workout), cardiovascular fitness h?? a slight advantage. Through cardio alone, ??? w??? burn 10-12 calories a minute running ?r biking. Y?t w?th muscle workouts ??k? weight lifting, th? typical calorie burn ?? closer t? 8 t? 10 calories a minute.

Th?? doesn?t mean, ?? people ?ft?n incorrectly assume, th?t cardio alone w??? achieve weight loss ?n? fitness q???k?r th?n a muscle workout. In actuality, weight lifting results ?n a metabolic spike f?r ?n hour post-workout wh??? ???r body uses energy f?r muscle recovery. Therefore, ??? w??? actually continue t? burn additional calories (?n additional 25%) ?ft?r a muscle workout! Therefore, ?f ??? burned 200 calories lifting weights, ????ll really burn ?b??t 250 overall. An? ??? ??n even increase th?t number b? lifting heavier weights ?n? resting less between sets.

Additionally, f?r ???r? 3 pounds ?f muscle ??? build, ????ll burn ?n extra 120 calories ??n?? muscle requires more energy t? sustain. Bottom line: A year ?f muscle workouts ??n lead t? a ten-pound f?t loss ? without ?n? dietary changes. B?t ???? th?? mean weight lifting alone ?? enough? Again, ?t really comes down t? ???r goals. Wh??? muscle workouts clearly lead t? physical benefits, th?? ?r? still m??t effective wh?n combined w?th cardiovascular fitness.

Cardiovascular training promotes th? loss ?f body f?t ?? th?t th? muscles underneath ??n b? sculpted through weight lifting. Additionally, wh??? cardio fitness decreases th? appetite ?n many individuals, ?t ???? allow f?r increased caloric intake ?n those whose appetites ?? n?t decrease. Overall, wh?n combined w?th a healthy diet ?n? muscle workouts, cardiovascular fitness w??? promote ?n increase ?n lean body tissue ?n? a decrease ?n body f?t percentage. Additionally, cardiovascular fitness elevates serotonin levels ?n th? brain, a key neurotransmitter involved ?n improving symptoms ?f depression. An? 3 cardio sessions a week h??? b??n shown t? effectively reduce anxiety.

Ultimately, th? best ???r???h ?? a combination ?f muscle ?n? fitness workouts. Wh??? weight bearing activities w??? increase strength ?n? build muscle, cardiovascular training provides th? foundation f?r ?th?r fitness programs b? conditioning th? heart ?n? blood vessels f?r safety ?n? performance ?n nearly ??? athletic endeavors. Balance ?h???? b? ???r ultimate goal.

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Source: http://mybodyhealth.net/muscle-workouts-vs-fitness-workouts/

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