Peggy McIntosh wrote a White Privilege Checklist which I found ridiculous.? In order to paint a clearer picture of my reality and the reality of the silent majority (whites and black conservatives), I decided to compile a black privilege checklist.? Viola:
1??? 1. Affirmative action
2 ?? 2.? Black only scholarships
3??? 3. SSI
4??? 4. TANF
5??? 5. No Child Left Behind
6??? 6. Censorship
7 ?? 7.? Hate crime legislation
8??? 8. Usage of nigger versus cracker (or faggot, bitch, ho, cunt, dirty Jew, chink, etc.)
9 ?? 9.? Obamacare
1?? 10. Medicaid
1?? 11. Food stamps
1?? 12. Publicly funded school lunches
L?? 13. Low income/HUD housing
1?? 14.?? SSDI
1?? 16.?? Diversity management/training including the Roosevelt Thomas?s Institute or Managing Diversity 1994 conference, which cost $1,500 a head
1?? 17.?? Discrimination lawsuits
1?? 18.?? Over-representation in the media in positive roles
1 ? 19.?? Redistricting/proportional representation
2?? 20.?? Afrocentric schools including Marcus Garvey Elementary School
2?? 21.?? Afrocentric curricula at predominantly white school
2?? 22.?? High self-esteem
2?? 23.?? Fewer body image issues
2?? 24.?? Versatility of hair styles
2?? 25.?? Multiculturalism
2?? 26.?? Anti-colonial or Third World Scholarship
2?? 27.?? Deconstructionism
2?? 28.?? Busing
2?? 29.?? Civil Rights Establishment lawsuits/shakedowns including the $90 million discrimination lawsuit against Lucky Stores for having their employees compile a list of minority stereotypes
3?? 30.?? Proliferation of the cool-pose/hip hop culture
3 ? 31.?? Solidarity, the one-drop rule
3?? 32.?? Aggressive temperament, black rage, white guilt
3?? 33.?? Anti-racist groups including: National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), People for the American Way, and American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), National Conference of Black Mayors, National Black Caucus of State Legislators, Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), National Action Network, Rainbow/PUSH Coalition, and the National Education Association
3?? 34.? ?Exaggerated accusations of racism?
3?? 35.?? Rigging of standardized tests including: Scholastic Aptitude/Assessment Test (SAT), Law School Admissions Test (LSAT), Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT), Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery, Graduate Record Exams (GRE), Foreign Service Entrance Exam, General Aptitude Test Battery (GATB) (used for job references), ACT, and MCAT
3? 36.?? Remedial training, costing $30 billion a year
3? 37.?? Backing of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), who could care less about white or Asian grievances
3? 38.?? Popularity of black hate groups/philosophies, including Nation of Islam and melanin theory (a theory that the black race is more evolved than the white race)
4 40.?? All attempts at a dialogue on race becoming one-sided, with hostility on the part of black liberals and leftists who then dominate the conversation
As you can hopefully glean, my list has many more important elements in it than McIntosh?s dopey list.? What would you rather do: lament the dearth of flesh-colored Band-Aids and the difficulty of isolating yourself, or consider yourself fortunate and empathize with your fellow Americans for once, the few whites who are willing to speak up about this?
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